Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Box Tops!

Belle's school is collecting Box Tops. Please collect them and help her class win:

250 - Sucker Party and Goody Bag
500 - Cookie Party and Goody Bag
750 - Popsicle Party and Goody Bag
1000 - Pizza Party and Goody Bag

Thank you!


  1. OOOh!!! I got a certificate from Albertsons a few weeks ago of 50 box tops. It was one of those things that prints out with your reciept. I'm going to send it to you in the mail right this very second because I have no use for it, and you do! Yay! I'll start saving any others I see too. When is the deadline?

  2. The note that came home didn't have a deadline, so I guess just collect them and send them my way when you feel like it. I have been surprised at the random products I have found the Box Tops on. Thank you!
