So, this weekend in Emmett there was a lot of flooding or near flooding. Tren went driving around with a friend to get a look at things. He came home, we went to see Shrek and then he said we had to go up and see the Dam. He told me "this happens once every 15 years!". I'm not sure if that is true, but it sounded good. So we all went up to check it out. YIKES!
It was getting late and it was cloudy, so this is the best picutre I got. Every now and then a huge tree would go over the Dam and then you'd see it go floating by. The water was a really tastey (not so much) brown color from all the dirt and stuff in it. Then we headed up towards Montour/Sweet and took a look around up there. There was lots of gophers out in the road and we decided it was because they were flooded out of their holes in the ground. It was a watery drive.
Tren must be right because the last big flood was when i was 10, and that was 15 years ago. That is crazy stuff!!