Irish Twins: The term is used to describe two children born to the same
mother in the same calendar year or within twelve months of each other.
Yes, Tren and I are about to have us a set of Irish Twins.
When Tren was home over the Spring Break week, which was close to 3 weeks ago, I was minding my business at work and suddenly felt sick. Like, get the heck home before you throw up, sick. So I hauled home and Tren greets me with "did you take a test?" And I asked, "What test?" and he said "a pregnancy test?" and I said "No!" and I wasn't taking one because there was NO way I was pregnant. I slept the entire afternoon. A couple days later as I was baking in the tanning bed, I was thinking about the comment from Tren and decided it sort of bothered me. I laid there cooking and rubbed my hands over my stomach and then what the heck is this?! I feel a little ball in my stomach and think there is no way that is what I think it is. So, I decided to take a bloody test and prove Tren wrong. Friday morning I got up and peed on my stick and tucked it back in the wrapper. Tren got up to go pee and I told him I took his stupid test and hadn't looked at it yet. He pulled it out of the wrapper and said "uhhhhhh, .... what does this mean?" and I looked and there on that little white stick were 2 pink lines. Seriously? I couldn't believe it. Tons of things raced through my head. Olive is too little to be a BIG SISTER! Olive is too little to have another baby already. When am I due? I have had no signs or "symptoms" of being pregnant. Where are the sore boobs and the complete exhaustion? I do not want to do this with Tren working away from home! I cannot be pregnant. No way!!
I took another test a couple days later to confirm and it was an even brighter 2 pink lines. I called The Baby Place and scheduled my first appointment for when Tren would be back in town again. I told them I had no idea when I conceived and that if what I had when I quit nursing was even a period, it was over the Thanksgiving week, which was a LONG time ago.
I went the next 2 weeks thinking over things and finally started seeing the signs. I had had heart burn. My jumblees had gotten bigger, not sore, but bigger. I was getting fat and regardless of what I ate, I kept getting bigger. I could no longer suck in the pooch I swore was from not eating right and no exercise. I had been getting the sharp pains that happen when your uterus stretches and chalked them up to being a side ache or something. One morning on my way to work I swear I felt a baby flutter, but there was just NO WAY I was that far along to be feeling a baby move. Just tonight I thought of another one: a couple months ago, Olive started burying her face in my boobs and inhaling them. The signs were there, but I still had no idea when this could have happened. And I knew there was no way I was as far along as November would put me.
I started feeling like people were noticing and wondering. And now around work when I tell them the truth they also tell the truth that they were wondering because of my weight gain.
Monday before we flew out to Las Vegas, we had our first midwife appointment. They drew blood and asked questions and told me if they based my due date off my last period (November) that would put me at 21 weeks and a couple days. I said there was no way. They asked if I wanted an ultrasound to confirm due date and I said "absolutely!". So I got up on the bed and pulled my shirt up and Rachel said "oh wow! look at that belly". WTH does that mean?! Jerusha came in and as soon as she put the ultrasound stick on my stomach, instantly there are legs and arms and ribs and a big old pot belly baby on the screen. Where in the heck is the kidney bean?! They were both saying how that was a nice baby and then Jerusha announced "based off the measurements you are 20 weeks, 3 days. Due August 31st". Then I started the "oh my gosh.... shut up.... oh my heck...." over and over. I believe I cried a little. This is too soon. Olive will barely be 1 freaking year old! Then she asks if we want to know the sex. Of course we do! Right!? It's a GIRL!!! This is seriously sending me over the edge and I am definitely crying now. Tren has backed away from the bed and is rubbing his head and in just as much shock as I am. I have an anterior placenta which means the placenta is on the front of the uterus, so it is kind of muffling the feeling of the baby moving - thus making her movements a little harder to detect. They told me she was a nice healthy little baby girl. They listened to her heart and everything was measuring up nicely. A 20 week - 3 day baby. That has been quietly keeping to her sweet little self all this time.
I sort of feel bad that I didn't see the signs and haven't been thinking about her constantly like you do when find out your pregnant. Then all the waiting to find out if it is a girl or boy and then all the waiting to finally have the baby. I am over half way. I have skipped all the anticipation and wondering and now I wait for her sweet little arrival. Someone told me this little miss is coming to me now for a reason and I firmly believe that. I am not sure of her reason, but I know this was supposed to happen. There was a reason she was supposed to simply grow and not make me sick or tired or uncomfortable or crazy. I cannot wait for her to get here and for my Irish Twins to grow up and be the best of friends and probably worst enemies at times too.
3 blonde haired - blue eyed girls. How lucky can Tren and I possibly get?!
OH Man! I can't wait for her little arrival I am so glad that we only have a short 20 week wait. What a little love for keeping her secret even from Momma who had a pretty rough November, December and January. She gave you some recuperating time and then decided to let you know. Something makes me think she's going to follow the third baby trend: ideal, complacent, and just the sweetest little love you could have.
ReplyDeleteInsanity!! Very exciting though, congrats! How nice to find out the gender at your first appointment. I'm jealous of that.
ReplyDeleteEmmy!! This is such an amazing story. I read it more than once and am so excited! Congratulations guys!
ReplyDeleteEmmy, that is the sweetest story I have ever heard. It made me cry a little. I also think it was meant to be & someday you will realize just
ReplyDeletewhat it is. I"m so glad you are feeling so good.
You are going to be one busy Mother with those
Irish twins. This Great Grandmother has experienced Twins & now Irish twins in her lifetime. Yea